Sunday, August 29, 2010

Battle of Atlanta

I have finished the book on the Atlanta campaign. It took a while because of school. I liked the narrative and the writer's style. It was not too technical or detailed. It basically was a light read. I was disappointed it did not have an order of battle indexed.
Excellent bibliography included in the backmatter. I liked the way the author ended the book with "the rest of the story, following the major players, and the city of Atlanta, through the rest of the war and into the end of the 19th century. It peaked and interest into reading a campaign study that is detailed in depth.
Reading more about the West and the last year of the war is something I want to peruse as well. I recommend the book for anyone who wants "light" reading of an important campaign in the war. I liked how the author pointed to the importance of the battle of Atlanta. Because of it, in part, Lincoln was re-elected. So the cause and effect can be argued, it saved the Union. A lot of ifs there, but it (the campaign) was instrumental in ending the war.
I give the book a "thumbs up!"

Monday, May 31, 2010

Long Time Since My Last Entry

I'm reading War Like a Thunderbolt by Russell Bonds. It's about the Atlanta Campaign of 1864. Good so far. I will leave judgment until I finish.
What I like to this point: Nancy's ancestor was in the 147th PVA; the part of the battle of Atlanta I read today was when his unit was involved. I went to his diary and read what he went through that day. Pretty cool connection. Nancy gave me his GAR reunion medal, and I've seen his sword. His diary makes the story come alive.
I can't wait until school is over this week. Although I'm taking 6 hrs. this summer at TWU, I will have some time for reading and writing. I'm tired lately, for sure.
My shoulder hurts, I'm burnt out with school, my Jack Daniels therapy is getting to me, and I am not blogging enough. Time to write and photoblog more!

Friday, March 12, 2010

It has been awhile....

I finished a good book on Lincoln's role as commander-in-chief. The book by McPherson called Tried by War is an excellent book on Lincoln's evolving role in choosing and using his commanders for the armies. I enjoyed the book because it was a survey type study. The subject has been done before so this was a refreshing perspective that was revisited and thoroughly researched. One knows that a McPherson book will be as objective as can be expected. His scholarship is outstanding. No one is ever without error when writing history. But you can count on his work. Any mistakes that may be made will not occur because of laziness or lack of focus. I did not find any errors in it. Because of the survey nature of the study, only the major points of Lincoln's administration were covered. It is a great read that is short and accurate.
It has been too long since I have blogged. Unfortunately, my studies are taking a great deal of my time. Most of my limited free time is spent reading, not writing. I am going to make a diligent effort to write more. Both here and elsewhere. We'll see you soon!